An Omelette With Spring Greens and Mushrooms

This omelette is a brilliant blood balancing lunch or brunch, packed full of greens and mushrooms. It is made without cheese but includes my delicious dukka sprinkle for a bit of tasty crunch.


single omelette

Ready In:

20 minutes

Good For:

Breakfast, lunch or brunch


About this Recipe

By: Amanda Higgins

Omelette’s are easy enough to make and we all make various versions of the same thing – loads of cheese, bacon, tomatoes, onions etc…Very tasty but not always very healthy.

This recipe is one from my blood sugar balancing programmes. It is packed with greens and mushrooms, no cheese and the carbohydrate comes in the form of a dukka sprinkle made from left over stake bread or wraps. It is not oily or overly rich but yet full of flavour.

The blood sugar balancing way of eating allows the body to have natural highs and lows with the  amount of sugar in the blood being more controlled, and not the  excessive troughs and peaks which cause sugar cravings, energy crashes and weight gain. The body is able to work optimally which is what we all want!


  • 2 eggs beaten with a pinch or salt
  • a handful of spring greens or chopped spinach
  • 4 button mushrooms sliced
  • Cooking olive oil or coconut oil
  • black pepper and salt
  • Balsamic reduction
Delicious Dukka
  • Stale bread, old wraps, pitta pockets – basically any left over breads in the house. I use gluten free wraps and pita pockets. They need to be stale so the dukka is dry.
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Fresh Thyme and rosemary – you can use dried herbs if all else fails
  • Dried chilli or chilli flakes
  • Pine nuts 

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

I like to make the dukka first. It can be made at any time and stored in the cupboard for those times a little crunch is required in a particular dish. 

Blend all the dried breads in a high speed blender until they are breadcrumbs. If your bread is too fresh it can become clumpy.

Step 2

Add the herbs, chilli, salt and pepper to the blender and blend this all together. Using a frying pan, pour a little oil and heat. Add the bread mix to this and stir. You really don’t need a lot of oil, but mix it all together to get a good coating. Fry this lightly until it starts to change colour. Add the pine nuts and continue to pan fry until the nuts starts to change colour and release their oils. It needs to be more of a dry fry not a deep fry. You don’t want to be left with a greasy mess. Taste to make sure it is salty enough and pour into a piece of paper towel to cool down. When it is cool pop it into a container for storage. Mine keeps for 2-3 weeks.

Step 3

For the omelette – pan fry the sliced mushrooms in a little olive oil until the are tasty and a little brown. Add the finely sliced spring greens or spinach. Add a little salt to taste. Set this aside   when the greens a wilted – usually not 3 minutes. Don’t over cook them, you want a little crunch and for them to still be lovely and green.

Step 4

Using the same pan and the mushrooms and greens were cooked in, add the beaten eggs and allow them to start to cook a little. Lay the cooked veg onto one side of the egg and leave to cook on a medium heat for about 5 minutes. The egg needs to be a little firm on the edges and not run when the pan is tipped to the side.

Step 5

Carefully flip the half without the vegetables onto the other side of the omelette to create a perfect half.

Transfer this to a plate, sprinkle with the dukka and a small drizzle of balsamic vinegar and enjoy.

I am not a huge fan of too much egg and cheese dishes and this was perfect. Add a leafy salad of chopped tomatoes and fresh rocket and your meal is complete. A perfectly balanced meal.


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