Healthy Chocolate Brownies

Warm oozy dairy free, gluten free and sugar free chocolate brownie madness!


10/12 squares

Ready In:

1hrs 20min

Good For:

Sweet Treats


About this Recipe

By: Amanda Higgins

No recipe blog is complete without a brownie recipe right?

All Brownies run along the same ingredients of chocolate and fats in large proportions with lots of eggs. I like this recipe as the fats are of the good kind – nut butter and coconut oil. This makes this recipe slightly on the healthier side. I have added coconut sugar but normal sugar would work just as well.

Coconut sugar is very similar to regular table sugar, although it’s not as processed and contains minor amounts of nutrients. It does however do the same things as normal sugar in the body so don’t be fooled thinking it is so much better for you – just a tip!


200g dark chocolate – I have used a combination of 85% and 99% due to soy allergies, but 70% is the norm or milk chocolate if you have too – it will however be very sweet so you might need to reduce the coconut sugar or xylitol

100g coconut oil

3 eggs

150g coconut sugar or xylitol

85g nut butter of your choice, any flavour will do

55g tapioca flour

1 tsp baking powder gluten free


Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180ºC and line a 22x22cm tin with baking paper making sure to go up the side of the tin.

Step 2

Put the coconut oil and the chocolate in a bowl and melt in a microwave or over a simmering pot of water. Once it has melted, stir until it is lovely and smooth.

Step 3

Meanwhile put the eggs, coconut sugar and nut butter in a large bowl and beat until it is thick, frothy and light. Gradually add the chocolate to this. Be careful not too be too heavy handed and knock all the air out of it. Fold in the flour and baking powder.

Step 4

Pour it into the prepared tin and bake for 20 minutes. Check and see if ready. It should have a slight wobble to the centre. Brownies can often turn to cake if left too long. If not ready, bake for a further 5 minutes, but keep and eye on it.

Step 5

Allow to cool slightly in the tin before removing and slicing up.

So good!


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