Apple Cider Gluten Free Baked Donuts

A really soft doughnut which has been baked not fried, with a soft apple cinnamon flavour



Ready In:

30 minutes

Good For:

Tea time


About this Recipe

By: Amanda Higgins

I like to think these are healthy donuts as they are baked and not fried. They have eggs and loads of cinnamon but let’s not fool ourselves. 

They are delicious and very light. They don’t require a long dough prove, as conventional donuts do. They are gluten free.

Every now and again only a donut will do.




1½ cups gluten free flour

½ teaspoon xanthan gum

1½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

¼ teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon cream of tartar

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

80g sugar

80g butter at room temperature

2 large eggs beaten

¾ cup of apple cider (I used Savannah. For a non alcoholic version use ginger beer!)


Icing Glaze


¾ cup of icing sugar

1 teaspoon of cinnamon or too taste

1-2 teaspoons of milk


Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

​Preheat your oven to 180º C.

Grease a doughnut pan.

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl.

Step 2

In a separate bowl beat the butter and eggs together until light and fluffy. Add the cider to this and combine well. Add this to the dry ingredients. The mix should be thick but you should be able to pipe from a piping bag.

Step 3

​Transfer the batter to a piping bag and squeeze the batter into the doughnut pan. It should reach about ½ way up each doughnut well in the pan.

Bake until done about 8-10 minutes. The top may be quite pale but the under side will be golden.

Allow the doughnuts to cool.

Step 4

​Mix the ingredients for the icing by combining the icing with the cinnamon and the milk, and mixing well. The icing must not be too runny as it needs to stick to the buns, so go carefully with the milk. Add only 1 teaspoon at time until it feels right.

Step 5

​Dunk the underside of the doughnut in the glaze and place on a cooling rack to drip. Dust with additional cinnamon for decoration.

These are ideally best eaten on the same day, which is not difficult as they are so delicious.


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